Saturday, June 27, 2009


So I felt like heading to Randalls for some pop tarts, cereal and gum. :)
Extra gum 5 @ $1.39 5 @ $0 (BOGO sale) used 5 BOGO Qs = $Free
Pop secret 4 @$0.99 used 2 $1/2 = $1.96
Poptarts various flavors 8ct, 20 @ $1.99 used 10 $1/2 Qs = $29.80
Frosted flakes 4 @ $2.99 used 4 $1 Qs = $7.96
Apple Jacks 4 @ $2.49 Fruit Loops 2 @ $2.49 used 6 $1 Qs = $8.94
total $48.66
(ok I am looking back at my receipt, and notice the pop secret has 2 neg $2.20s. I had to take off 2, and ring separately even though on here I am putting it together, because the Q says one per transaction, no biggie, but that is where it seems the "mess up" is because my total is off by $4.40, but it works out better for me)
at trans end savings, Kelloggs buy 5, save $5 x6= -$30.00
- $4.40 (from "mess up") and -$0.08 tax = $14.18 OOP for 20 boxes pop tarts, 10 boxes of cereal, 4 packs of pop corn and 10 packs of gum = $0.32 / item
and I was able to find 5 boxes with the free movie ticket when you send in 5 box tokens, so 1 free movie ticket!
Rice Crispies - WIC
Grape Juice - WIC
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Baby Maker said...

I promise I am not a stalker lol, you are on my subscribed list and you always have great deals. What chain is randalls in? We go thru pop tarts like water here...I buy the strawberry wheat ones (green box)

I need to get to kroger to do the daytona deal, I was only able to find 6 "free" sets of inserts in my neighborhood (we get the AJC freebie on thurs with the weekends inserts)

have a good weekend coupon queen

Frugalchick said...

Holy smokes! That's a ton of pop tarts and cereals...for not a whole lot of money. Awesome!

mrs. fisher's findings said...

Why in the world would you buy so many pop tarts? Are you going to donate some?

Nena said...

So much for the "break" you were talking! LOL

Amanda said...

pop tarts are a popular item here. They don't expire for a long time, and we'll end up eating them all anyway. Last time I ran across a hot deal for poptarts, I got 16 of the 12 ct boxes and we ate them within I want to say something like 3 months or something really crazy fast.