Sunday, May 17, 2009

Biscuit Pizzas - cheap and easy

Thanks Nena for this recipe idea!
I took dinner biscuits, the kind you buy from a can , rolled them out to mini pizza size. I then took some spaghetti sauce (Bertolli from Randalls) and spread it on 3, I then took some BBQ sauce (Honey flavor) and spread it on the remaining 2. I put put Cheddar and Mozzarella cheese on both, putting more cheddar on the BBQ ones, and more Mozzarella on the regular ones.

I topped the BBQ ones with some diced left over boiled chicken from Chicken Puff recipe, and topped the reg ones with peperoni, baked in 350 oven for 11 min. They turned out so yummy!!

I think next time I will used grilled chicken for a more BBQish taste on the signature

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